THE PROJECT: Design a billboard for Pioneer Credit Union based on these 3 words: "Monster Savings Rates".
To find a muscular guy who can be transformed into a Hulk doppleganger.
THE GOAL: To create a MEAN, GREEN, BANG-UP billboard!
More and more, jobs that require original photography are dwindling. Stock photography seems to have become more often than not, a big greasy fat guy in the corner of the room who gets the bigger piece of the pie simply because he's there. He's easy, and with a little finagling, can be whipped into shape to make do (no obvious bitterness there). Thankfully, there are those who strive to deliver originality to their clients; something unique and specific. Jim Rivett and Laura Treichel at Arketype were the creative master minds behind this project. And let me tell you that this project for PCU is just that type of unique distinctiveness that gets my juices flowing.

Scouting for the perfect model to help create a theme that grabs people's attention is critical for any project. Trying to find an uber muscular man who can mimic the tenacity of the Incredible Hulk in midwest Wisconsin is no easy task. Executing it in a way that satisfies the needs of the client and justifies the intention to go with something original, is magic. Effortlessly producing something that jumps off the page, stops you dead in your tracks and makes the statement that was intended, in what photography
is all about. And, when it's all said and done, if the opportunity presents itself, I like to give it that little extra to show my appreciation to the client with my own creative vision. Thus having exemplified the fact that they have truly inspired me as well.

Nice write-up and great pictures!
Love it! Very clever!
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